
Climate change is making me depressed.
(you are not alone)

  • Anger is a powerful emotion. It is part of our human nature and can be a powerful, motiving force. But first it is important to recognize that feeling angry about the state of the planet is totally OK.

    You have a right to your anger. We have done plenty of harm to this planet and our co-inhabitants. There are still not enough people doing all they can to fight climate change. Governments are over promising and under delivering. Corporations are lying. But you know all this...

    For now, it is important to be OK with your anger and to know that you are not alone. A study from Yale University found that over 47% of American’s are angry about climate change.

  • When we lean into our anger and work to channel the emotion, anger can be a powerful ally. But it can be a double edged sword.

    When we act out of a place of anger we tend to make brash decisions. We tend to not use our most balanced approach, act hastily, maliciously, or without a clear head.

    Yet when you are angry, explore that anger. Sit with it. Write it down. Let it out (safely, securely).

    The famous music producer Rick Rubin advises his musicians to hit pillows on a bed for 1 minute straight as hard as you can. It is harder than you imagine. And as soon as the 1 minute is up, grab a pen and paper or your computer and write down everything that comes to mind.

    When we begin to channel our anger, we can use it as one of the many tools in our tool belt. Athletes are able to channel anger into motivation to work harder, compete harder. We often hear about top athletes having a “chip on their shoulder.”

    If anger at the state of our planet, the destruction and loss of our natural world gives you a chip on your shoulder to work harder towards solutions, to change careers, to dedicate your life to helping solve problems, we are channeling our anger for the better.

  • We have included many resources that can help you explore, dive, and work with your anger.

    1. Understanding Anger, by Headspace. A deeper dive.

    2. Turning anger into fuel

    3. fourth

    4. Climate job - motivation - can send the CLimb toolkit

  • One of the most powerful things in dealing with our anger is having other folks to connect with, share emotions with, and dive into the work together.

    We are gearing up to launch our Climbing Pods but for now there are two ways you can connect:

    1. Send us a note to _____

    2. Join our Impactful Group of XXXXX

Join a climbing pod

In 2023 and beyond we’ll be launching our Climbing Pods, where we work together to tap into our emotions, give them space to breath but begin the important work of putting these emotions to use. Let them be a tool for motivation, not something that brings us down. Sign up to join the waitlist.

Download our Climate Career Toolkit

Ready to put your anger into tangible action, channeling it to dedicating your career to the climate fight? We’ve created a handy Notion tool to help you track, research, and land the climate job you’ve been waiting for.

Climb together.

Send us a note. tell us how climate change is affecting you.